Monday, December 25, 2017

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Very soon the scientists will start sending aliens messages

A big project started to communicate with the aliens. But there is a danger that the aliens may be the reason for the destruction of mankind. The project name 'Mete' or messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. This is a whole new initiative. Through this project, the signal will be sent to space. Starting work since 2018. From that time mankind will spend time with aliens. Maybe they will communicate and talk.
But scientists have been saying for a long time that these signals can be harmful to mankind. If a destructive alien signal is detected, it can cause disaster. Especially famous physicist Stephen Hawking repeatedly gave a signal.
Earlier this year, it was said that sending any kind of signal to the aliens was a threat. That may have happened to what happened when Christopher Columbus faced the first indigenous Americans.
Apart from this, Hawking also said that, because we do not contact the aliens, our civilization and science will not be more than a bacteria. And in the continuation of this our death can become inevitable.
It is not yet decided how to send this message to the space of scientists. No policy has been fixed in this regard. So METI and other organizations can do this without any rules.
But METI said they actually try to get education and contact information exchange policy. Of course, if that succeeds.
The current team is seeing how the work can be successfully done. You need to send a message that the aliens can understand. But the message must have basic mathematics and science.
The team of scientists constituted a fund of $ 1 million to make the initial work. Some of it will cost money to make or borrow a strong transmitter.
Earlier, NASA's Pioneer 10 and 11 were trying to send messages to the living creatures of the universe through spacecraft. But it is not yet known, whether these messages have got any race at all?


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