Sunday, July 16, 2017

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History of USA

The historical backdrop of the USA

Disclosure OF AMERICA

The Vikings were the main white men who came to North America around the year 1000, under their boss Leif Ericson (called Lucky Leif), however they didn't settle forever.

Christopher Columbus was Italian mariner, in administration of Spain. The revelation of America wasn't his aim; he should locate another approach to India. With his three boats called Niňa, Pinta and Santa Maria he arrived at island in 1492, he called it San Salvador (Holy Savior) and he trusted he is in India. That is the reason he called the neighborhood individuals Indians.

Amerigo Vespucci was Italian mariner; he investigated the shorelines of South America (Brazil). A few years after the fact a German researcher utilized the Vespucci's initially name for the name of the new mainland.


Indians are isolated into numerous tribes, every tribe has distinctive customs, talk more than 300 dialects, put stock in numerous divine beings - > polytheistic (the most well known god is Manitou)

The Pueblo individuals were the best sorted out cultivating tribe, knew water system, developed cotton and made garments from it, lived in houses made of adobe (mud and straw)

The Apache individuals were never settled agriculturists, they gathered wild plants, nuts and roots, lived in bunches on the fields, stole the nourishment from their neighbors, warriors

The Sioux individuals were relied upon the bison, took after the groups, lived in teepees, developed no harvests, manufactured no houses, warriors

The Iroquois individuals were talented agriculturists (beans, maize), seekers and anglers, lived in towns, warriors


The English were among the last who settle the North America, the British colonization begun toward the start of the seventeenth century. Virginia was the main English province established in 1607, named after Queen Elizabeth I. – the virgin ruler. The pioneers who came to Virginia were driven by commander John Smith. The settlement wasn't fruitful, on the grounds that the pilgrims didn't develop any harvests, they were searching for gold, passed on of starvation, ailments (terrible area – jungle fever) and in assaults of Indians. Virginia was spared by tobacco ranches, dark individuals were conveyed to Virginia to take a shot at manors - > the start of the servitude


Gathering of English Protestants, needed to change (sanitize) the new Church of England, since it was excessively rich and well off.

Explorer Fathers were 102 Puritans, who came to America in 1620 in light of the fact that they feared religious oppression. They cruised over the Atlantic sea on a ship Mayflower. Subsequent to landing they met benevolent Indians, who helped them survive the first winter and gave them seeds of corn and tought them how to plant it. They settled at where Massachusetts is presently.

The fourth Thursday in November 1621 – the main Thanksgiving day – festivity of the principal collect, Indians were welcome to the devour

South Colonies were isolated from the North provinces by a Dutch state, Dutch pioneers settled Manhattan Island in 1626, called it New Amsterdam

1664 New Amsterdam was caught by the English and renamed New York after the Duke of York.


Between years 1775 and 1783. Struggle amongst Britain and the American pilgrim. Provinces were growing rapidly and turned out to be financially solid. England needed to ensure their own makers, so the British government forced obligations on imported merchandise (sugar, espresso, glass, tea). Pilgrims were extremely unsatisfied with the assessments - > their witticism "no tax imposition without any political benefit" – they had no delegates in the British parliament.

1773 – Boston Tea Party – a gathering of Massachusetts pilgrim camouflaged as Indians tossed a tea from British ship to the ocean as a challenge against the obligations forced on tea

1774 – first Continental Congress – the pilgrim pioneers met in Philadelphia, blacklist of English products was proclaimed

1775 – second Continental Congress in Philadelphia – armed force was set up, their pioneer was George Washington, France was made a request to help, the war started

1776 – Colonists proclaimed themselves autonomous and marked the Declaration of Independence composed by a legal advisor Thomas Jefferson (all men are equivalent, have ideal to life and freedom, delegates in government ought to be chosen by the general population)

The war finished following six years (1781) when Washington with the assistance of France crushed Britain at Yorktown.

1783 – The Treaty of Paris – the peace settlement perceived the autonomy and opportunity of the 13 provinces.

Follower – upheld Britain, returned back

The progressives part into traditionalist wing (Washington) and dynamic wing (Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Paine)

Each state had its own legislature and laws, they must be joined together, yet it was troublesome


The incomparable law of the United States, archive acknowledged in 1787

It gave the US an elected arrangement of government - > USA were organization of states

Singular state governments were left, the government was more grounded (energy to gather charges, control exchange, make settlements with outside nations, arrange military)

The Constitution makes the three branches of the national government:

1/Executive branch – driven by the President (first president – Washington)

2/Legislative (law-production) branch – spoken to by the Congress

3/Judicial branch - headed by the Supreme Court.

The constitution can't be changed, however corrections can be include – the initial 10 revisions are known as the Bill of Rights – guaranteed all Americans flexibility of religion, free press, free discourse, the privilege to convey a weapon


1861 – 1865

The first Negroes came to America in an indistinguishable time from the British pioneers and they moved toward becoming slaves in the south provinces – they deal with ranches or served in a house. Their condition was to a great degree cruel, they were purchased and sold in barters

Triangular exchange – Europeans took slaves from Africa to America

Many individuals in the north needed to set Negroes free and cancel the subjugation – abolitionists.

There was an issue if servitude ought to be permitted in new regions (Oregon)

Southern states protected the servitude and leave the Union. They shaped the Confederacy, chose their leader Jefferson Davis and began a war.

The north was more grounded and crushed south, Lincoln canceled the subjugation in 1863, was killed by a man from the south.

The time of Reconstruction begun after the Civil War and gone on for a long time. The USA were getting to be noticeably more grounded financially and amid this period turned into the world's driving mechanical power. (Most imperative: coal mining, oil, railroads and assembling of steel merchandise)

The dark individuals were given the privilege to vote and a large portion of them were chosen to the Congress. In 1866 was established a mystery association, called the Ku-Klux-Klan, as an instrument of dread against the dark individuals.


Goliath statue of ladies which remains in New York harbor. It was introduced to the USA by France, to honor the hundredth commemoration of the War of Independence. It was outlined by Gustave Eiffel and uncovered in 1886.


Between years 1914 and 1918. The Allies (France, Britain, and Russia) were battling against the Central forces (Germany, Austria). The USA were aiding and supporting (by weapons) Allies, yet they would not like to enter the war. In 1915 the American ship Lusitania was hit by a torpedo from a German submarine and sunk, more than 1000 individuals kicked the bucket. That is the reason the president Woodrow Wilson requested that the Congress Declare war on Germany. In 1917 the USA entered the war and helped Britain and France. In 1918 a peace was arranged and in 1919 the Versailles Treaty finished the war.


The USA turned out to be extremely rich after the war, this period was called "The Roaring Twenties". This finished in 1929 in October 24th on Black Thursday with divider road crash – it was the end the flourishing and the Great Depression began - > unemployment, destitution. It endured till the start of the World War II. The crash was caused by overproduction of products - > insufficient individuals were getting them.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (democrat) presented a New Deal – a progression of most earnest measures (social changes, business)


Between years 1939 and 1945. The noninterventionist's thoughts were exceptionally solid in Congress in 30's (they gave the need to local strategy over the remote). The USA entered the war after the assault on the Pearl Harbor (the principle base of American naval force ) by Japanese in the seventh of November 1941. The USA vanquished Japanese in The Battle of Midway. In the sixth of June 1944 the Allies attacked Normandy with their preeminent officer Dwight Eisenhower. This day was known as the D-day.

In 1945 the president Harry Truman requested to drop nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. After that Japanese surrendered, which was the finish of the war.


After the war an issue with isolation emerged. Isolation is isolating the dark individuals from whatever remains of the group and denying them regular rights. They were isolated in broad daylight transport, schools; there were seats and toilets for dark. The battle of dark individuals for level with treatment was known as the Civil Rights development, they requested the finish of the racial segregation. Rosa Parker – lady who declined to surrender her seat to a white man in a transport – demonstration of common defiance.

1968 – Civil rights pioneer Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis. Dark is Beautiful development – 60's.

Present day HISTORY

After war – time of monetary extension. The US had the first man on the moon (Neil Armstrong – 1969). The chilly (war with no contentions, financial and political reasons) amongst USA and the Soviet union.

1950 – 1953 – the Korean War – Harry Truman sent American officers to help the South Koreans in the battle against the North Koreans.

1965 – 1975 – The Vietnam War – cash and warriors sent to Vietnam


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